Sept. 1, 2022

Edu: 7 Deadly Sins of Scaleups and BigCos - Do You Need To Repent?

Edu: 7 Deadly Sins of Scaleups and BigCos - Do You Need To Repent?

Chris and Yaniv have worked in and advised many startups, scaleups and BigCos. There are 7 organizational sins they see over and over again. In this episode, they unpack and discuss each of these sins, discuss what causes them, and identify the key symptoms.

Sin 1: Poor context setting by the leadership team;

Sin 2: Poor operationalization of shared context;

Sin 3: Poor planning;

Sin 4: Poor org structure;

Sin 5: Poor role design and ways of working;

Sin 6: Poor risk-taking;

Sin 7: Piecemeal attempts to rectify;

This episode was inspired by Chris’s blog post on the same topic:

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A bit about our hosts:

Chris Saad: Independent Startup Advisor and Angel Investor, who helps startups and entrepreneurs fast-forward company’s growth. Chris consults on developer platforms & ecosystems, future of media, data portability, on-demand economy,  and the Silicon Valley ecosystem. Visit or connect with Chris on LinkedIn

Yaniv Bernstein: Founder and COO of Circular, a subscription e-commerce platform with sustainability at its heart. By focusing on customer experience while reducing waste and underutilization, Circular provides subscriptions to premium devices at affordable prices and with unmatched flexibility. Visit Circular and connect with Yaniv on LinkedIn