Have you followed your heart when choosing the business model for your startup? Or are you making the choice out of fear?
Yaniv and Chris examine when to go B2B and when to go B2C, and how too many startups are selling to the very industry they should actually be disrupting.
Episode overview:
[1:44] Chris explains how the Netflix and Uber b2c business models made them so truly disruptive
[7.22] Why pursue a full-stack disruption over a traditional B2B model?
[11:16] Case study examples: Uber and Instagram’s success with customers
[13:51] The consequences of moving from B2B to B2C
[16:21] Aggregation theory and power of aggregating demand
[29:01] The mirage of playing it safe in life and in business
[29:53] How to bring investors on board with your b2c, full-stack disruption business model
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