The Startup Podcast

Timely latest episode for this founder and his startup

Great episode. It really spoke to the feeling I'm having around building our two-sided marketplace and growing aggressively so we can have our network effects kick in and really assist in taking things to another level for us and our model. It never made a ton of sense to me to go after revenue over growth for what we are doing given we are creating a new market in the same way uber created a new market with peer-to-peer in the existing A to B passenger transportation space. For both us and uber creating that new market that is working means execution of an aggressive growth strategy so as to OWN that new market before some else does. Yet I've had some VCs tell me we need to de-risk their investment for them by hitting certain revenue numbers. This always made me think, well 1 that means slow growth and risking someone else seeing our success and blowing past us on a market WE created! And two, it makes me ask why wouldn't i just use my own revenue to boot strap then? Why do I then need your money Mr VC guy?

Timely episode and very succinctly presented. Great job guys!

Michael Borovec
Founder & CEO

May 14, 2023 by Michael Borovec on This Website

The Startup Podcast